Saturday, August 29, 2009


Dragonfly is a gallery
and accessories shop on Pacific Avenue
across from the federal courthouse.

In addition to the courthouse reflected in the window
you can see my hands clutching
my little "take-everywhere" camera.


Don and Krise said...

So at least your hands got their moment of fame. I never get tired of the old Union Station/Courthouse. It always seemed like the centerpiece of the downtown area. Nice reflection Meri.

Meri said...

I hate it when comments come to me, with an email address "no-reply." I'd love to talk to you personally. But I'm stuck with either commenting here or on your blog. What to do?

~JarieLyn~ said...

I think it's because some of us don't know how to set up the windows based e-mail. I tried several times. I gave up.

Great photo, by the way.