Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tacoma Art Museum

Summer's a good time
(anytime's a good time)
to visit Tacoma Art Museum.

Right now,
there's Chihuly on your left and
Chihuly on your right
as you walk up this walkway to the galleries.

The courtyard on the left
features "Ma Chihuly's Floats,"
an multi-piece installation of glass floats
that Chihuly donated to the museum in honor of his mother.

The cases on the right show off
part of the museum's collection of Chihuly glass pieces.


Anonymous said...

I have not seen nor do not know the artists. But the picture is neat.

Audrey is on Pick a Peck of Pixels. You saw her with green peas all over her face. Now, see her at 9 with her hair blowing in the wind. Be part of history. Become a Follower or leave a comment. Tell you friends. Link up. Pick a Peck of Pixels

Don and Krise said...

I have yet to make it in the museum. Probably a nice place to go on a hot, hot day.